Creative Teacher Programme - Primary (formerly called Developing Teacher Programme)

This six day programme (one day per week) for teachers in Primary Schools covers key aspects of teaching and learning:

  • Challenge and engagement
  • Learning activities and review
  • Assessment
  • Questioning
  • Differentiation

It provides opportunities for delegates to:

  • Observe good and outstanding practice in the host school and their own school
  • Reflect on and adapt their own practice
  • Participate in post sessional tasks with the support of their mentor
  • Develop their understanding of effective teaching and learning through collaborating with others

Programme Dates

6th November 2024, 13th November 2024, 20th November 2024, 27th November 2024, 4th December 2024 and 11th December 2024

Programme cost:

£350 per delegate

One free place for PLN members 


Lyons Hall Primary School, Deerleap Way, Braintree, Essex CM7 9FH

Contact details:

For more information please contact: Rachel Pritchard or Emma Bradshaw

To make a booking please contact: Caroline Duncombe

T: 01376 552393

Comments from previous delegates:

  • “An excellent programme that understands the needs of teachers.”
  • “It deepened my thinking about my practice.”
  • “Fantastic – gained confidence and was able to embed new things straight away and   see the impact immediately.”
  • “I am now much more aware of the importance of questioning.”

The programme requires the delegates to have a mentor back in school to talk through learning which has taken place and to support with post-sessional tasks.  Mentors will be offered a pre-programme meeting to discuss their role in supporting their delegates.  They will also be invited to attend day 6 to observe delegates’ presentations, celebrate success and support with action planning.

The programme is designed for delegates to work in learning triads and ideally these would be from the same school so delegates can support each other and work together back in school.  However this is not essential and sometimes schools link up to provide three delegates between them.
