Leadership National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)

These NPQs are for Senior Leaders, Headteachers and Executive Leaders.

For Specialist NPQs (NPQLL, NPQLTD, NPQLT and NPQLBC) please click HERE

Our next cohort will start in October 2023

To apply


Please register your interest by dropping Amanda Card a short email with your name, the NPQ you are interested in, and your work email. Amanda will then forward the application details to you.

Amanda Card E: npq.pln.admin@lyonshall.org.uk


National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are a national, voluntary suite of qualifications designed to support the professional development of teachers and leaders.

The reformed NPQs offer the best possible support to teachers and leaders wanting to expand their knowledge and skills.

The frameworks continue the robust method of design and development, building on the evidence base and expert guidance already established in the ECF and the ITT Core Content Framework.

The Professional Learning Network (PLN) is delighted to offer the Leadership NPQs in partnership with Ambition Institute a DfE accredited NPQ provider

PLN has a successful track record of delivering the suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) across Essex and its borders. We are committed to developing outstanding teachers and leaders who can transform schools and ultimately improve educational outcomes for young people.

The three existing NPQs in Senior LeadershipHeadship and Executive Leadership have been refreshed, ensuring that they are underpinned by the

latest evidence of what works. In addition we are offering the new National Professional Qualification in Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL)

Fully Funded

Full scholarship funding, with no cost to the participant is available to: all leaders working in a state funded school in England

Eligibility criteria

NPQ in Early Years Leadership

To apply, you need to be an early years practitioner who is qualified to at least level three, with a full and relevant early years or teaching qualification.
You will be, or will be aspiring to be:
  • A manager of a private, voluntary or independent early years setting.
  • A headteacher of a school-based or maintained early years setting.
  • An early years foundation stage leader in a state funded school.
  • A childminder with leadership responsibilities.

NPQ in Senior Leadership

To apply, you must be, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities. For example, you might be an assistant or deputy headteacher, or a head of department or faculty.

NPQ in Headship

To apply, you must be or aspire to be a headteacher or head of school with a responsibility for leading a school. 

For further information or to express an interest in these programmes please contact:

Amanda Card

E: npq.pln.admin@lyonshall.org.uk 

T: 01376 552393



The assessment process has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on leaders and aspirant leaders while still providing an opportunity for them to apply their knowledge. To pass an NPQ, leaders and aspirant leaders will need to engage with at least 90% of the course (exact requirements to be determined by the provider) and complete a final assessment. At the start of their training, providers must provide leaders and aspirant leaders with a complete list of course elements that will count towards participation metrics and set out how participation in those elements will be measured. The final assessment will take the form of a case study and represent a likely situation to be faced by a leader or aspirant leader at the relevant NPQ qualification level or role. It will test leaders or aspirant leaders on a variety of ‘learn that’ and ‘learn how to’ statements from within the relevant NPQ Content Framework. Leaders or aspirant leaders will be allowed an eight-day calendar window to provide a written response to the case study in an ‘open book’ setting.
